Address Pest Bird Problems In Other Properties
There are many more areas that Bell Bird Control has serviced because of their vulnerabilities and attractiveness to birds as nesting and roosting locations. Birds don’t give a poop how what your location is, they just want to live (and poop) there. We have used our skilled pigeon control methods to install deterrents that work for:
Building Loading Docks; Stadiums; Public Works; Data Centers; Bus, Ferry, Train Stations and Stops; Power Stations, Vaults, Substations; HVAC Air Conditioning Units; Solar Panels; Building Roofs; Warehouses and Storage Facilities; Signs and Marquis; Barns; Buildings’ Porticos / Awnings / Decks; Zoos / Fishing Ponds / Hatcheries; Gutters / Eaves; Docks / Boathouses; Playgrounds; Church Steeples…
- and more…
Resolve Bats, Crows, Grackles & More
Bell Bird Control is well versed in addressing other birds and flying animals that cause problems for your properties. Birds seek food, water, and shelter – when your property provides access to one or more of these items, pest bird problems may emerge.
We frequently resolve issues with pigeons, Canada geese, swallows, sparrows, starlings, and seagulls. Bell Bird Control has been called to address and control other bird species such as crows; wild turkeys; turkey vultures; grackles; and more.
Bats are also a protected species that people do not want in their homes and offices. Bats are the leading cause of human rabies deaths in the U.S. These deaths are primarily linked to unknown or unreported exposures from bats inside occupied structures such as homes or camps. Bell Bird Control has the ability to remove and exclude bats and clean up the guano that they leave behind. We are also expert in addressing the resulting bat bugs, and their bed bug cousins. Bell Bird Control strictly follows all state regulations related to bat control.