Protect Airplane Hangars

Bell Bird Control has extensive previous experience installing bird netting in civilian and military hangars. Projects typically range from 25,000 - 50,000 square feet of coverage.

Bell Bird Control installs ¾ inch Heavy Duty square mesh bird netting with a warranty against UV breakdown. Our Netting is Polyethylene (Rot Proof, Water Proof, & Flame Resistant.) We will install sufficient hardware including support cables used to prop up the net and keep the bird netting taut and firm and thus free of wrinkles and gaps.

Bell Bird Control's netting can be installed flush with the support beams just under the lighting to enclose the rafters and I-beams of the ceiling, including all electrical and duct work. In order to prevent sagging or potential tearing, support cables will be installed every 25 feet to hold up the expansive amount of netting. PVC coated wire mesh access panels or zippers will be installed in the net to allow for electrical and other building maintenance. ion goes here

Protect Parking Garages

Birds love multi-level parking structures because they find covered ledges to nest and pipes to perch on. Unfortunately, among the reasons customers park in garages is for protection from weather and outside elements and to keep them clean. Bird droppings cause damage and create messes for garage owners and their customers. Acidic bird guano damages paint on vehicles quickly – Damage compounds daily. Corrosive droppings damage stone, concrete, painted surfaces, equipment and rooftops. Bird nests and dried droppings are fire hazards.

Bell Bird Control keeps birds out of parking structures, commercial parking garages, residential garages and carports. 

We use a multifaceted bird control plan. We eradicate nesting birds with proper exclusionary products, such as bird netting and bird slope. If nesting sites are ignored, birds are guaranteed to return to the area. As NYC garages have to comply with NYC Local Law 126, it’s a great opportunity to assess safety and make repairs of bird damage, do pigeon cleanup, and prevent new issues by pigeon proofing.

Protect Solar Panels From Nests & Damage

Solar panels are vulnerable to bird nests and droppings, which compromise their efficiency and longevity. Birds frequently nest under solar panels to care for their young because the panels give warmth and shelter. Birds in turn leave droppings, broken eggs and dead chicks underneath. The nests and accumulating guano and other remains lessen the airflow that’s necessary to prevent solar panels from overheating. The debris can also damage wiring, creating the risks of electrical issues. Acidic bird droppings can also corrode metal.  Bird droppings also occur on top of solar panels. The waste lessens panels’ effectiveness and once they harden, the droppings are difficult to remove.

Bell Bird Control’s exclusion measures are a valuable solution for solar panel owners. We installing physical barriers, such as netting or mesh, around the edges of the panels to prevent birds from nesting. We can also install spikes, sloped devices, and other systems, which make it difficult for birds to perch on the panels. Every solar panel situation is distinct as the height and slope of the roof are different. We only use access tools that preserve and don’t damage your property.

Make Balconies & Terraces Safe From Birds

New Yorkers spend a lot of money to have a safe view from their apartments of our great city. They don’t want their balconies and outside furniture ruined by pigeons. Bell Bird Control provides pigeon removal, cleanup, and protection from NYers’ least favorite birds. Bell Bird Control cleans and sanitizes balconies of pigeon droppings to remove messes, acidic dropping that dissolve surfaces, and risks of diseases. We then install two-inch ExcludeNet™ bird netting. The net is installed to cover balconies to prevent pigeons and other pest birds from entering.

We work with condo associations and individual unit owners in NY and NJ who want to enjoy their morning coffee on their balconies without visits from pigeons, seagulls, and other pest birds.